Network Consultation
Network Engineering group provides consulting for network installations and applications on topics such as computer lab installations, Internet bandwidth requirements, building renovations and departmental network upgrades.
Need highly skilled I.T. resources for your upcoming relocation, expansion, network optimisation, security or customisation project?
We can tailor cost-effective I.T. consulting solutions to align with your business goals and budget. You can be confident our advice and solutions consider all related components of your I.T. operations.
Our consulting engineers review, design and implement solutions that are stable, meet project deliverable and most importantly, offer an outstanding return on investment.
Whether you have a very specific and clearly defined project you would like delivered or you know what you want to achieve but need our help to get there, we have you covered.
The Network Route Utilization Strategy (Network RUS) is a Route Utilization Strategy (RUS) produced by Network Rail (NR). The Network RUS is one of only two (the Freight RUS is the other) which have the perspective of the network as whole; most of NR’s RUSs are geographical, mainly regional, in nature. Uniquely the Network RUS is divided into four separate work streams each of which has its own management team and documentary outputs, effectively an RUS in its own right.
RUSs are established by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) unless the latter objects within 60 days. As at mid-March 2010 two work streams had been published and established (the Scenarios & Long Distance Forecasts work stream[1] and the Electrification work stream[2]); they are consequently included in Network Rail’s map as established,[3] and it is expected that the others will be included as they are published and established.